Feb 12, 2009

Ambiguity/Tracy Institute question

What role does ambiguity play in my own work? A starring role! No--really.

Feb 10, 2009

My answer

Sandy, heres my answer for the Tracey drawing website.


Awesome places

Heres a list of amazing websites to check out.

Book By Its Cover

-this website is a collection of books, comics, sketchbooks from guest artists, and just lovely things from illustrator Julia Rothman.

-started by Jen Bekman in order to create a place with affordable art. Prints from featured artists run $20-$2000. I have a few prints around my apartment.

-a fun website that shows thumbnails that users upload that showcase the latest in the art, design world.

Design*Sponge "Design By the Book"

-design*sponge is my favorite design/art related blog, and recently started a video series. Design by the Book follows several artists who use different mediums (glass,jewelry/porcelain,illustration,zines) as they use the resources at the New York Public Library. Scroll all the way down to see the videos in sequence. I think using the library as a means to create something is really special (why havent I thought of this before?!) , and there is probably a TON of cool stuff to find at any public library in Portland. Old photographs, maps, fabrics, who knows what. The finished works are really cool.


"Text in drawing" or "I woke up sick this morning"

Here are some images of the drawing that I made dealing with text. I think I'm going to use this piece in the series for my final project. My idea was that collage can be a really powerful and successful way to incorporate text effectively into a piece. Even though I would consider this more of a mixed media drawing, it still fulfills the criteria for a drawing with text. If anyone has any suggestions or comments let me know!

Feb 9, 2009

language drawing

I've been into the drawing with photography concept. The freedom to see drawing this way has opened up the playing field for me in this class. I have this red ribbon I keep around and I've had this blue ribbon forever. I think I like ribbons because of the movement they make, it's like the movement of writing. I drew with the ribbons the language of the ribbons. There's an opened sugar package next to it and a sparkly ball above it. The opened sugar packet is spilling out the language. The sparkly ball reminds me of sugar, it's crystalline structure and the way it makes you feel. It's also like the dot over an I. The ribbons, sparkly ball and sugar packet are connected through my own language and their own individual languages.

Feb 8, 2009

Drawing With Language

Here is my contribution to the drawing-with-language project. The figures I rendered are meant to mimic letters of the alphabet. If you look at the upside-down photo I posted, you can see in the shadows the word "Play" written backwards.